UPCOMING EVENTS - WORKSHOPS, RESIDENCIES & COURSES 1 week residency, exploring theories and practices of creative collaboration, culminating in a Private View (PV) event on Saturday April 13th at 2:00 PM.
Please join us in Manhattan to explore the power of collaborative drawing, with Angie Brew and fellow New York artists. The residency and exhibition offer a wonderful opportunity to engage with Brew's work firsthand and connect with fellow artists and art enthusiasts The final exhibition will showcase her latest creations and collaborations, including All the Birds, Murmur, A Little Bird Told Me, The Amber Tree, WeDraw, Drawing Conversations and Drawing Circles. Her art practice uses drawing as a way to tune in to ourselves and connect with one another and our earth, Brew aims to amplify the urgent alarm call of the world's birds, tapping in to the power of drawing. Brew will share her collaborative drawing methods and current projects and will run many collaborative drawing workshops during the week, including Drawing to Problem Solve, Sensory drawing, Drawing Growth, Drawing Conversations and DoBeDo. All participating residents will shape the final display of collaborative artwork on April 13th and the catalogue of the residency. 50% of all sales from the exhibition will be donated to bird rescue charities. For more information and to sign up for the residency please e mail [email protected] Daily and weekly rates available. $65 per day, $230 for 6 day residency DRAWING TOGETHER Collaborative Drawing meeting Weekly Zoom meeting, Wednesdays 5pm UK contact [email protected] for zoom invite MURMUR Brew Draw residency in Dunwich, Suffolk with artists Angela Brew and Natasha Freedman May 10-11th 2024 Please join us for a weekend of collaborative listening and drawing at RSBP Minsmere, attending to what birds are telling us. We walk and draw to tune in to lines of interconnection between humans and birds. Freedman and Brew host collaborative listening and drawing residencies at RSBP Minsmere. For dates and further details please contact Angie Brew (UK) [email protected] Sole Bay View Lodge Cliff House Holiday Park Minsmere Road Dunwich Suffolk IP17 3DQ Please join us in our cliff edge Suffolk studio, next to Minsmere RSPB reserve. £85 per day to include lunch and refreshments Accommodation - You have the option of booking a bedroom with us in our Lodge, booking a camping spot or lodge on site, or finding your own local accommodation. Murmur contributes to ongoing drawing collaborations and residencies, creating artwork and co-authored publications, exploring and drawing attention to the impacts of changing climate, habitat degradation and biodiversity loss. Brew Draw residencies offer time and space for deep reflection, listening, and grounding GROUND / MAA July 29th - August 2nd 2024 Welcome to FLOW - time and space for deep reflection, listening, and grounding. Summer residency in Niemelä house with artists Angie Brew and Emma Fält Nerohvirta Village, Lisalmi, Finland MORE INFO HERE Please join us in our Finnish lakeside studio to explore our personal and collective creative paths and to build a supportive community of practise. Costs are kept to a minimum, to cover expenses. £380, excluding accommodation. You have the option of booking a bedroom with us in the studio house (very low cost), or finding your own local accommodation. FLOW GOA! - time and space for deep reflection, listening, and grounding. Residency with Angie Brew and local artists 2025 - dates tbc More details to follow. We will gather together in a stunning Goan villa, to draw for a week. Please join us to explore our personal and collective creative paths and to build a supportive community of practise. Costs will be kept to a minimum, to cover expenses. Please send us a short statement, max 100 words, outlining why you would like to attend the residency. |
Thinking through Drawing Customised courses, problem solving, professional development. Please contact us at [email protected] for info on future educational courses or to book us to run a 'Thinking through Drawing' course for you. |
What people say about us:
I want to thank you all so much for being my inspirations and teachers over the years as I've tried to update my thesis with current research. A large part of the updated material came from participating in TtD events and reading publications by participants. So, you're all part of my new book 'The Value of Drawing' in different ways, both individually and as the co-founders of TtD, and I can honestly say that the book would not have happened without the revitalization of drawing research that you brought into my life. I only wish I could thank you at the 2020 symposium actually rather than virtually!
Warm wishes, and again, many thanks,
July 2015 Professional development course
Emily wrote:
For me, drawing has been a kind of special magic superpower. Drawing was my way of sorting out what I did and did not think and what I knew and did not know, it has functioned as my most reliable method for sharing my thoughts as well as showing others that I thought at all. You see, throughout my childhood and adolescence (and even as an adult after if it’s after 9 p.m.) words rarely worked for me. My dyslexic brain, bends, breaks, and bewilders my attempts to record in writing my ideas, insights and understanding. It confounds my efforts to and read the writings of others. When I couldn’t keep the letters of the alphabet from rotating, stepping out of line and jumping place mid-word, I would call upon drawing (my special magic super power) and my hand and brain would instantly become consummate collaborators, I would be able to place my thoughts on the page with remarkably lucid ease. When I needed it to, drawing would replace reading and writing as an effective, efficient, and remarkably elastic method for developing ideas, representing understanding, and structuring systems to solve complex problems.
The superpower magic of drawing evolved into more of an essential competency as I learned to deliberately use it with increasing efficiency and skill. As an artist and educator I became more overtly conscious of how and when and how to employ drawing as a tool. Because drawing is such a reliable and remarkable resource for me, I have often encouraged students (regardless of their chosen media) to draw, as a way to consider situations, choose and describe process, pose and solve problems, and, of course. express themselves effectively. For some, the impact is immediate. For others, practice provides a new methodology for them to access from time to time. The Thinking through Drawing workshops expand my consciousness and understanding of the connections between, cognition, physiology, neurology and drawing; providing a scientific and logical basis for continuing to teach drawing methodologies that, simply (or perhaps complexly) work.
As a participant in the Thinking Through Drawing workshops, we applied the practice of drawing through well-guided exercises through which the instructors (Dr. Angela Brew and Dr. Michelle Fava) brilliantly and fluidly extract, isolate, reinterpret and repurpose elements of familiar drawing practice into thoughtful lesson plans. These exercises reveal the very deliberate ways particular methods of drawing engage/inspire very specific cognitive processes. In addition to such participative learning processes, the instructors introduced students to the principles, theories and research that inform the present understanding of drawing and cognition. The extensive an exciting and extensive reading and resource list prepared by the instructors was made available to those who were interested in learning more (which included every single participant). The immediately preceding parenthetical leads me to the my final important accolade of this testimonial. I must express how impressive and incredible it was to practice, learn and think about drawing with such an exceptional group of peers. My fellow classmates were composers, physicists, architectural historians, educators, art therapists and artists. Each of us came to the course with our own, unique ways and reasons for using drawing. The Thinking through Drawing curriculum asked us to collaborate immediately. We came to realize that our shared insights into the power of drawing allowed us to reveal new dimensions of the process and new depth to the tool. The Superpower expanded, the understanding grew and the magic was shared . . . which is, of course, as it should be.
with Angie Brew
Brew shares meditative drawing, breathing and visualisation techniques, exploring the tree as a metaphor for our bodies as well as our intimate relationships with trees.
The workshop is linked to our forthcoming publication Unlock your Hidden Drawer. The book, and workshop, are for everyone: people who have not drawn since they were children, as well as those who desire to draw in new ways, and educators wanting to share the joy of drawing and to help people unlock their drawers.
Draw for Joy!
Please contact [email protected] to book Brew to run a Tree Meds workshop
Unlock your Hidden Drawer
with FAB Fava Acevedo & Brew
What enables / stops drawing?
Please contact [email protected] to book FAB to run a workshop