(see also Symposia & Publications)
Drawing Room - Like a Bird
Drawing Residency & Exhibition Living Room NYC April 8th - 13th, 2024 1 week residency, exploring theories and practices of creative collaboration, culminating in a Private View (PV) event on Saturday April 13th at 2:00 PM. With Angie Brew and fellow New York artists. The residency and exhibition offered a wonderful opportunity to engage with Brew's work firsthand and connect with fellow artists and art enthusiasts. The final exhibition showcased her latest creations and collaborations, including All the Birds, Murmur, A Little Bird Told Me, The Amber Tree, WeDraw, Drawing Conversations and Drawing Circles. Her art practice uses drawing as a way to tune in to ourselves and connect with one another and our earth, Brew aims to amplify the urgent alarm call of the world's birds, tapping in to the power of drawing. Brew shared her collaborative drawing methods and current projects and ran many collaborative drawing workshops during the week, including Drawing to Problem Solve, Sensory drawing, Drawing Growth, Drawing Conversations and DoBeDo. All participating residents shaped the final display of collaborative artwork on April 13th and the catalogue of the residency. 50% of all sales from the exhibition donated to NYC bird rescue charities. For more information please e mail [email protected] MURMUR Freedman and Brew host collaborative listening and drawing residencies at RSBP Minsmere, attending to what birds are telling us. For dates and further details please contact Angie Brew (UK) [email protected] Sole Bay View Lodge Cliff House Holiday Park Minsmere Road Dunwich Suffolk IP17 3DQ Please join us in our cliff edge Suffolk studio, next to Minsmere RSPB reserve. £85 per day to include lunch and refreshments Accommodation - You have the option of booking a bedroom with us in our Lodge, booking a camping spot or lodge on site, or finding your own local accommodation. Murmur contributes to ongoing drawing collaborations and residencies, creating artwork and co-authored publications, exploring and drawing attention to the impacts of changing climate, habitat degradation and biodiversity loss. Brew Draw residencies offer time and space for deep reflection, listening, and grounding GROUND / MAA Summer residencies in Niemelä house with artists Angie Brew and Emma Fält Nerohvirta Village, Lisalmi, Finland Time and space for deep reflection, listening, and grounding. |
Thinking through Drawing Customised courses, problem solving, professional development |
Brew Draw Drawing In Winter residency in Dunwich, Suffolk
with artists Angela Brew and Natasha Freedman
December 9-10th 2023
As meteorological winter began, and twilight skies filled with murmurations, we drew to tune in to lines of interconnection between humans and birds.
Ground - time and space for deep reflection, listening, and grounding.
Annual summer residency in Niemelä house
with artists Angie Brew and Emma Fält
July 23rd-30th 2023
Nerohvirta Village, Lisalmi, Finland
March 2021
TREE MEDS - Draw Spring
by Dr A C Brew
Brew shared meditative drawing, breathing and visualisation techniques, exploring the tree as a metaphor for our bodies as well as our intimate relationships with trees.
The workshop is linked to our forthcoming publication Unlock your Hidden Drawer. The book, and workshop, are for everyone: people who have not drawn since they were children, as well as those who desire to draw in new ways, and educators wanting to share the joy of drawing and to help people unlock their drawers.
The 90 minute 2B sessions include our monthly catch-up / sharing for all, for us to check in with one another.
Draw for Joy!
Please contact [email protected] for further details
TREE MEDS - Draw Spring
by Dr A C Brew
Brew shared meditative drawing, breathing and visualisation techniques, exploring the tree as a metaphor for our bodies as well as our intimate relationships with trees.
The workshop is linked to our forthcoming publication Unlock your Hidden Drawer. The book, and workshop, are for everyone: people who have not drawn since they were children, as well as those who desire to draw in new ways, and educators wanting to share the joy of drawing and to help people unlock their drawers.
The 90 minute 2B sessions include our monthly catch-up / sharing for all, for us to check in with one another.
Draw for Joy!
Please contact [email protected] for further details
Unlock your Hidden Drawer
with FAB Fava Acevedo & Brew
February 27th 2pm GMT 2021
What enables / stops drawing?
Drawing workshop, led by FAB – Fava, Acevedo & Brew. The workshop is part of a series, linked to our forthcoming publication Unlock your Hidden Drawer!
In this workshop we shared our best Unlocking exercises.
The book, and workshops, are for everyone: people who have not drawn since they were children, as well as those who desire to draw in new ways (open new drawers), and educators wanting to share the joy of drawing and to help people unlock their drawers.
The 90 minute 2B session included our monthly catch-up / sharing for all, for us to check in and update one another on e.g. our new ways of teaching online, the challenges of Covid and lockdowns. Then FAB endeavoured to give you a very fun drawing workshop, reconnecting with your child self and drawing for joy.
Throughout the workshop series we welcome your contributions, and will credit you for any Unlocking Drawers exercises we publish in the book.
Draw for Joy!
Please contact for further details
In this workshop we shared our best Unlocking exercises.
The book, and workshops, are for everyone: people who have not drawn since they were children, as well as those who desire to draw in new ways (open new drawers), and educators wanting to share the joy of drawing and to help people unlock their drawers.
The 90 minute 2B session included our monthly catch-up / sharing for all, for us to check in and update one another on e.g. our new ways of teaching online, the challenges of Covid and lockdowns. Then FAB endeavoured to give you a very fun drawing workshop, reconnecting with your child self and drawing for joy.
Throughout the workshop series we welcome your contributions, and will credit you for any Unlocking Drawers exercises we publish in the book.
Draw for Joy!
Please contact for further details
January 16th 2pm GMT 2021
COVID vaccination
Making a Decision
FREE problem solving workshop
Dr Fava & Brew with the wonderful Wanda Klenz
COVID vaccination
Making a Decision
FREE problem solving workshop
Dr Fava & Brew with the wonderful Wanda Klenz
PUU Finland - With our new global drawing network We ALL Draw, we ran a residency about Trees in Finland, June 2019.
Normandy, France, September 11-15th 2017
Hosted by Brew International School of Drawing
July 9th-11th 2016
Drawing Growth
3 day drawing retreat in Wales
Folk arrived on Friday eve, 8th July, to wind down, settle in, walk by the sea, ready for 3 days of drawing.
We explored how we can use drawing to observe and understand more about how things grow, and the role and power of collaborative drawing for study.
All materials, meals and refreshments provided - the food is absolutely delicious, and abundant!
Held at:
Penmeiddyn Retreat Centre
We explored how we can use drawing to observe and understand more about how things grow, and the role and power of collaborative drawing for study.
All materials, meals and refreshments provided - the food is absolutely delicious, and abundant!
Held at:
Penmeiddyn Retreat Centre
Following our Spring Retreat upstate, we ran a 1 day course in NYC:
Drawing as a Tool for Thought
Monday April 4th 2016
Green Studio School
1-3 April 2016
Thinking through Drawing
US Spring Drawing Retreat
Draw with Bosket, Brew, Fava & Kantrowitz
Long Eddy
NY 12760
Escape with us, to draw in wonderland!
All welcome - arrive on Friday 1st April, wind down, settle in, ready for a full weekend of thoughtful drawing. Come and draw together in this lovely tranquil setting, to share and reflect on our drawing practices, to explore embodied cognition, and to learn from one other.
We propose a special emphasis on collective methods which utilise drawing as a means of communication and genuine collaboration.
$240 including materials, lunches and refreshments