MURMUR Brew Drawresidency in Dunwich, Suffolk with artists Angela Brew and Natasha Freedman
May 10-11th 2024
Please join us for a weekend of collaborative listening and drawing at RSBP Minsmere, attending to what birds are telling us. We walk and draw to tune in to lines of interconnection between humans and birds.
Freedman and Brew host collaborative listening and drawing residencies at RSBP Minsmere.
For dates and further details please contact Angie Brew (UK) [email protected]
Sole Bay View Lodge Cliff House Holiday Park Minsmere Road Dunwich Suffolk IP17 3DQ Please join us in our cliff edge Suffolk studio, next to Minsmere RSPB reserve.
£85 per day to include lunch and refreshments
Accommodation - You have the option of booking a bedroom with us in our Lodge, booking a camping spot or lodge on site, or finding your own local accommodation.
Murmur contributes to ongoing drawing collaborationsand residencies, creatingartwork and co-authored publications, exploring and drawing attention to the impacts of changing climate, habitat degradation and biodiversity loss.